How To Get Google Adsense Approval Faster In Blogger?

How To Get Google Adsense Approval Faster In Blogger?: If you're a blogger, then you know how important Google Adsense is. It's one of the most popular ways to monetize your blog and can potentially earn you a lot of money. However, getting approved for Google Adsense can be a bit of a process. You have to meet certain criteria and then wait for Google to review your application. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to speed up the approval process. In this blog post, we will explore some tips on how to get Google Adsense approval faster in Blogger. Use Custom Top Level Domain Customize Your Blogger website with a Professional Template Create All Policy pages like About, contact, and privacy policy, Secure your website with an SSL Certificate, Domain Age, Post Quality Content on your Website, Use High-Quality Infographics and Custom Featured image, Submit your Website in Google Search Console and Index the website on Google Traffic, Requirements For Adsense Approval Work on a Niche website, Follow Google Publisher Policies, Final Verdict

If you're a blogger, then you know how important Google Adsense is. It's one of the most popular ways to monetize your blog and can potentially earn you a lot of money. However, getting approved for Google Adsense can be a bit of a process. You have to meet certain criteria and then wait for Google to review your application. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to speed up the approval process. In this blog post, we will explore some tips on how to get Google Adsense approval faster in Blogger.

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Use Custom Top Level Domain

If you're serious about getting Google Adsense Approval for your Blogger blog, then you need to use a custom top level domain. By doing this, you'll demonstrate to Google that you're invested in your blog and that you're willing to put the work in to create a professional website.

When you use a custom top level domain, you'll also get better search engine rankings which will help you to get more traffic to your site. This is important because Adsense approval is based, in part, on the amount of traffic your site receives.

So if you want to get Google Adsense Approval faster, make sure you're using a custom top level domain for your blog. It's a small investment that will pay off big time in the long run.

Customize Your Blogger website with a Professional Template

There are many ways to make your Blogger website more professional, but one of the best is to customize it with a professional template. TemplateMonster is one of the leading providers of high-quality, affordable templates for all kinds of websites. With over 26,000 templates in their catalog, you're sure to find one that's perfect for your blog.

Installing a TemplateMonster template is easy, and they have 24/7 support if you need help. Once you've installed your new template, take some time to customize it to match your brand. Change the colors, fonts, and layout to create a unique look for your site. You can also add features like social media buttons and an email subscription form to make it even more professional.

If you're serious about making money from your blog with Google Adsense, then investing in a professional template is a great way to get started. Not only will it make your site look more credible, but it will also help you get approved for Adsense faster. So don't wait any longer, head over to TemplateMonster and find the perfect template for your Blogger website today!

Create All Policy pages like About, contact, and privacy policy

Assuming you have a self-hosted WordPress site, you can easily create Policy pages like About, Contact, and Privacy Policy using the built-in WordPress Page templates. These templates are designed to help you quickly create these types of pages without having to start from scratch.

To use a Page template, simply create a new Page in your WordPress Dashboard and then select the desired template from the dropdown menu under the “Page Attributes” section. For example, to create an About page using the default WordPress Page template, you would first create a new Page and then select the “About” template from the dropdown menu.

Once you have selected a template, all you need to do is fill in your content and hit publish. It’s that easy!

If you want more control over the design of your Policy pages, or if you want to include additional features like forms or social media buttons, you may want to consider using a plugin like WPForms or Gravity Forms. These plugins will give you everything you need to create custom Policy pages that match the look and feel of your site.

Secure your website with an SSL Certificate

Secure your website with an SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate is a must for any website that wants to rank high in Google search results and earn trust with visitors. It encrypts information entered on your website, making it more secure against hackers and cyber criminals. Google also gives preference to websites with an SSL certificate when ranking them in search results.

Installing an SSL certificate on your website is a simple process that can be done in just a few minutes. Once you have obtained a certificate, you just need to install it on your web server and activate it. You can then enable HTTPS on your website, which will trigger the browser to display a green padlock icon next to your URL, indicating that your site is secure.

If you are using the popular WordPress content management system, there are numerous plugins available that can handle the installation and activation of an SSL certificate for you. Once you have installed an SSL certificate on your site, be sure to update all of your links and references to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This will ensure that all traffic to your site is encrypted and secure.

Domain Age

One of the most important ranking factors for Google is the age of your domain. The longer your domain has been around, the more likely you are to get approved for AdSense.

If you’re starting a new blog, one way to speed up the approval process is to buy an aged domain. Aged domains have already been through the approval process and are more likely to be approved quickly.

You can find aged domains for sale on auction sites like Be sure to do your research before buying an aged domain, as there’s no guarantee it will be approved for AdSense.

Another way to improve your chances of getting approved is to build up your content and traffic before applying. The more popular your site is the more likely you are to get approved for AdSense.

If you’re just starting out, don’t despair it can take a few months to build up enough traffic and content to get approved. Keep writing quality content and promoting your site, and you’ll eventually be approved for AdSense.

Post Quality Content on your Website

If you're hoping to get Google Adsense approval for your Blogger site, one of the best things you can do is make sure you're posting high quality content. Content that is well written, informative, and engaging will not only improve your chances of getting approved, but will also result in better click-through rates and earnings once you are approved.

When creating content for your site, be sure to keep the following in mind:

- Write for your audience first and foremost. What information would they find useful or interesting?

- Keep it well organized and easy to read. Break up text with images, headings, and bullet points where appropriate.

- Pay attention to spelling and grammar. Poorly written content reflects poorly on your site.

- Use original content whenever possible. Plagiarism will not only get you rejected by Adsense, but could also get your site banned from search engines altogether.

Use High-Quality Infographics and Custom Featured image

If your blog is on Blogger, you can get Google Adsense approval faster by using high-quality infographics and custom featured images.

Google Adsense is more likely to approve a blog that looks professional and has engaging content. One way to make your blog look more professional and engaging is to use high-quality infographics and custom featured images.

Infographics are a great way to make complex information more digestible and visually appealing. And custom featured images can help your blog stand out in the search results.

To find high-quality infographics, check out sites like Piktochart, Canva, and Infogram. And to create custom featured images, you can use tools like Canva or PicMonkey.

Submit your Website in Google Search Console and Index the website on Google

Google Search Console is a powerful tool that allows you to submit your website to Google and track its performance in the search results. Indexing your website on Google will ensure that your website appears in the search results when people search for relevant keywords.

To submit your website to Google Search Console, simply go to the Google Search Console page and enter your website's URL. Once you've done this, you'll need to verify that you own the website by either adding a DNS record or uploading an HTML file. After your website has been verified, you can then start submitting your sitemap and individual pages for indexing.

Indexing your website on Google can be a slow process, but there are a few things you can do to speed it up. First, make sure that your website is well-linked from other websites. This will help Google discover your site more quickly. Second, submit your sitemap regularly to keep Google up-to-date on all the latest content on your site. Finally, promote your website on social media and other online platforms to encourage people to link to it.

Traffic Requirements For Adsense Approval

Google Adsense is one of the most popular monetization methods for bloggers. In order to be approved for Google Adsense, your blog must meet certain traffic requirements.

Your blog must have at least 50 unique visitors per day. This can be tracked using Google Analytics.

In addition, your blog must have been active for at least 3 months. This means that you must have at least 3 months worth of content published on your blog.

Finally, your blog must be in compliance with Google’s terms and conditions. This includes having a privacy policy and not publishing any offensive or illegal content.

Work on a Niche website

If you want to get Google Adsense approval faster in Blogger, then work on a niche website. Adsense works best on sites with targeted content. So, if you want to improve your chances of getting approved, focus on creating a site about a specific topic.

When you have a niche site, it’s easier to create targeted content. You can also spend time promoting your site in forums and social media groups related to your topic. This will help you attract an audience that is more likely to click on ads.

Follow Google Publisher Policies

Google Adsense is one of the most popular ways to monetize a website or blog. If you're looking to get Google Adsense approval for your Blogger blog, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting approved.

First, make sure that your site is compliant with all of Google's Publisher Policies. These policies cover everything from the content on your site to the way ads are displayed. You can find a full list of these policies here:

Google Adsense is one of the most popular ways to monetize a website or blog. If you're looking to get Google Adsense approval for your Blogger blog, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting approved.  First, make sure that your site is compliant with all of Google's Publisher Policies. These policies cover everything from the content on your site to the way ads are displayed. You can find a full list of these policies here:  Follow Google Publisher Policies  Next, take a look at your site's design and make sure it meets Google's standards. Your site should be well-organized and easy to navigate, with a clean and professional-looking design.  Finally, submit your application and wait for a response from Google. If you are approved, you'll start seeing ads on your site within a few days. If you're not approved, don't despair! Keep trying and following these tips, and you'll eventually get there!

Next, take a look at your site's design and make sure it meets Google's standards. Your site should be well organized and easy to navigate, with a clean and professional looking design.

Finally, submit your application and wait for a response from Google. If you are approved, you'll start seeing ads on your site within a few days. If you're not approved, don't despair! Keep trying and following these tips, and you'll eventually get there!

Final Verdict

After reading this article, you should have a good understanding of how to get Google Adsense approval faster in Blogger. Follow the tips outlined in this article and you should be able to get approved quickly.